Here's something you may not know about me. I am an excellent researcher. It's really not that hard, now that we have the internet. But it does take a little tenacity. This usually leads me to finding anything I could ever want shopping on line. It may take a while, but I can usually stumble upon it. Although, I have a stumper for you. Where can you find a Valentine's Day t-shirt for a 5 year old boy? You see, I typically send my nephew and nieces presents, especially if there is a holiday, such as Valentine's Day. I purchased the nieces little themed t-shirts at the GAP outlet last night (even found two of the same, in the same size! They are twins and you wouldn't believe how difficult it can be to find two of the same items of clothing in an actual brick and mortar store.) My nephew is 5 years old and wears a youth size small. Apparently, when you get out of the toddler sizes and you are a boy, then you don't get to be cute any more. Sad. He's still so little. There are no Valentine's themed shirts readily available over size 5T. And while he is very into fairness (and who isn't) I knew I had to remedy the problem. Good thing I can be crafty! I went shopping this afternoon, not sure what I was going to do, feeling a little desperate. My initial thought was to buy a t-shirt with a simple design (say a dog) and applique a heart somewhere on it. I headed to Target and found something I thought would work, but didn't love it. I headed to Joann's, hoping to find some inspiration. Wandering up and down the aisles, I came across the t-shirt iron on decor area. Then I spotted the Iron On Transfer printer paper. That along with a plain white t and I could design him his own holiday themed shirt. I created the design using Picnik, which is free and easy to use. But I won't go on too much about it, since it has been purchased by Google and will only be available through April. Use it while you can. To create artwork without a photo (it's intended for photo editing), go to the create a collage tab. From there you can add text and clip art. Don't forget to flip it to a reverse image before you print. I then printed the design on the iron on transfer paper. And now my nephew won't be sad for being left out of holiday themed tshirts! If interested, the artwork I created can be found below. You should be able to copy and paste it onto your desktop and print it from there. If that doesn't work, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll be happy to email it to you!