The tutorial that inspired this project, was found on
Under the Sycamore, a DIY project called
The Doily Canvas Bag. I've had this tutorial in the back of my mind for a while. Wanted to give it a shot, but I kept forgetting to purchase a plain canvas bag. And to be honest, was afraid that I couldn't make mine as crisp and clean as on the original tutorial. Last summer, I had picked up this very plain straw tote at Joann's. I believe is was something like 70% off. It's been hanging on a doorknob in my living room since August. Over the holidays, I had purchased some doilies at the dollar store that I cut up to make gift tags. The other evening, I was itching to make something, saw the straw tote hanging there, remembered the doilies and put the two of them together. So this is my version of the Doily Bag. The doily print isn't perfectly clear printed on the straw, but I'm happy with the end result. Sort of an impressionist doily. It will be perfect for the beach this summer.
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