It seems that doilies seem to be everywhere. On clothes, pillows, curtains, everywhere. I happened to see a few crochet ones at Micheal's a few weeks back and was considering sewing them on to a blank canvas bag, but never got around to it. They've just been sitting here and I came across this tutorial yesterday for a yarn bowl and figured I'd apply the same process to a doily and see how it came out. Cute for Easter, no?
You might also might have noticed that I updated my header. I was never that happy with the winter scene and with spring upon us, decided that it really needed an update. I used the instructions found here. I highly recommend Picnik, it's ridiculously easy to use and is free! Now that the sun is shining (and we have more daylight) I really hope to take more pictures and update it more often.
Other things I've been working on:
-Candles. Have that down to a "science", can whip quite a few up in no time. The secret is several large pyrex measuring cups. That way you can start heating up a new batch in the microwave while you're waiting for another batch to cool enough to add your fragrance. I've almost used up the rest of wax and scents.
-W.I.P. (work in progress)-I have been working on other more complicated projects, but they are gifts and are taking a while to complete. Can't post anything until they are, well, finished and gifted! I've given myself a self-imposed deadline of next weekend on one of them, hopefully you'll see it here soon. I hate when things linger on and on, so I'm anxious to wrap things up.
It goes without saying the my heart hurts with all of the tragedy and loss over in Japan. It is terrifying beyond words. The whole thing makes the world seem very large and very small at once. I leave you with this post that I recently read by a favorite columnist, Ruth Reichl and felt that it was very well put and true.