I was scouring my closet for my knitting needle stash the other evening and found an entire box of wool roving. I had every intention of making felt beads a few years back, but somehow never got around to it. I seached on line for a good tutorial and fell in love with this one from
Kleas Felted Bead Necklaces. This tutorial was originally made with children, so I figured it would be super easy. I wouldn't say that it was difficult, but I also wouldn't say that I had 100% success. Some of my attempts didn't felt enough, so they sort of started to fall apart once they were dry. Like with everything, improved my method with some trial and error. Ended up with enough beads to make one necklace. Not bad. I have quite a few more packages of wool roving, so I plan on trying this again soon. I had made the beads over the weekend, but never got around to stringing them into a necklace. We had a TERRIBLE winter storm (I think they have dubbed it thundersnow) last night, with whiteout conditions, thunder and lightening. Quite a sight to behold! I am incredibly forunate to live and work within a 2 mile radius and did not have trouble getting to work this morning. The bad storm last night completely took out the cable. (Eeek! What's a girl to do?) Which gave me ample time to string a necklace.
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