A Belated Happy Memorial Day to you! It seems that summer has arrived with a vengeance this Memorial Day weekend. It reached the mid-nineties today and it isn't even June yet! It's been a quiet and relaxing looong weekend.
-I got a much needed haircut, here. If you happen to live in the greater Baltimore area, I highly recommend it! I was starting to hate my long hair, and very nearly chopped it off. Thankfully, my kind and patient hair stylist talked my down from the ledge, gave me a really good trim. And tried to convince me that I wouldn't get heat rash on my neck. Here's hoping! Looking much, much better.
-Searched in vain for an "everyday" black sandal. I want something cute and comfortable. An impossible combination? Everything that's comfortable looks so frumpy. I made a very rare (and slightly painful) trip to an actual mall. (I love to shop, but not at malls.) If any of my 7 followers have any suggestions, please chime in!
-I inexplicably watched "Terms of Endearment" twice. Perhaps this isn't something that I should admit to anyone and especially not document in writing, but what can I say, it's a good movie (although yes, sad) and I forget that I have a DVR now. The viewing happened during a two night event of closet cleaning. (Doesn't that sound exciting??) Because of my aforementioned love of shopping, I tend to accumulate a LOT of stuff. I cleaned out 2 of my 4 closets. (Counting my wins!)

-I did a little jewelry assembling:
A few months ago, I bought this fun chain and the accompanying fastening closure, put them together and had a quick and cute necklace.

I have several things in the works that I hope to finish this week. I think I might have to make a trip back to the craft store...