Winter is fast approaching, not that we would know it from the weather we've had in Maryland this week, it's been in the 60's recently (thankfully) but we are only 11 days to Thanksgiving, and we all know what comes after that-December, which kicks off my least favorite season, Winter. Given my
dislike for Winter, I try to have things around me that 1.) will keep me warm and 2.) are pretty. Enter this
Gathered Flannel Scarf from
Make it and Love it. I went shopping for flannel at Joann's today and sadly didn't find any solids. All they had were prints (kid's pajamas) most of the prints were very juvenile. I was just about to give up when I came across this cheery pink with black circle print and decided that this just might be the thing to keep me warm and give a little color to my usual black sweater wardrobe. I bought exactly one yard of fabric and used almost all of it. I mostly followed the tutorial, but I had only bought one yard, so I ended up having the put in a center back seam to get the needed length. If you want to avoid the seam, then you'll need to buy 2 yards, to get to something around 60". Other than the fact that I forgot to buy matching thread to handsew the opening closed, and had to return to Joann's the next day to pick this up to finish, this was a very quick, probably put together in a little over an hour. It was also incredibly affordable, the flannel was on sale for only $2.99 a yard! I apologize for the really terrible picture, but it's hard to photograph a rectangle of fabric!