My friend, Heather and I had a little girl's morning out yesterday. (Who incidentially is about
12 months pregnant and was not the least bit phased by all the walking...I'm so excited about the new baby, whose arrival is imminent!!) We spent much of the morning at the annual Putty Hill Park Flea Market. Such fun! Came home with a small, but good haul-a small yellow basket (which I had plans for the minute I saw it, look for it to be appearing in a craft soon), an antique looking tea canister and a silver cuff. Not bad for $14. Afterwards, we headed to Ikea for lunch and additional shopping. Where I finally decided to buy these.
Crazy colored crochet doilies. (I forgot to take a picture of them in the package. If you happen to be looking for them at your local Ikea, they can be found near the fabric.) I had been eyeing them for months and finally decided to pick them up, only $3.99. Once home and after a nap, decided to make a tote and use them for embellishment. Rummaged through my stash and decided on the zebra print. The result is perhaps a little busy, but I love it! Could not find a new spring bag at the Rack this afternoon, so I'll be sporting this until I find something better...